
L´interazione fra colonna vertebrale e discale
The backbone, according to fossil record, made its appearance 550 million years ago as a simple rod of cartilage among the most primitive forms of water...
I re-turn to Me
The idea of re-turn in my  work, is based on the cyclic courses in nature. The alternation of ex-pression and im-pression, re-leasing in order to get,...
The Creation in the body
A body that animates  intuitions, ideas, deductions and theoretical conceptions and shapes a person, structures its personality. Let us challenge our mind...

Percezione dal latino per=per mezzo di,   attraverso +capere = raccogliere,  occupare, impossessarsi.  
La Fascia:  stimoli per riflessioni
 From Latin FASCIA, FASCEA that etymologists connect to the verb PANDERE  „stretch, spread“. Recent studies connect to the Indo-Germanic root Bahd...
movement: moment + ove
Movement is instrumental for listening to oneself and to those spaces that are ignored or frozen by professional postures, daily habits, traumata ...
Food for thoughts on the term PSOAS
HYPSOS is one of the terms that the Greeks used to indicate the relation body / organism. It is comparable to the modern concept of sublime from the Latin...
The sixth sense - Proprioception
  Proprioception, also known as kinesthesia, is the process through which sensory input provides feedback about either ease or strenuous movement,...
Soffrire é ritirarsi
Sufferance is to withdraw. Pleasure is resilience to stimulus; pain is resistance to stimulus...
Facebook Live Meeting - Giovedi 28 Maggio
Giovedi 28 Maggio alle ore 15:00 sarò in diretta live sul canale facebook dell'Associazione Italiana Rolfing in compagnia dell'amico e collega Andrea Brighi...
the boda as a laboratory for transformation
 In Physics the tendency of a system to decompose and slide into chaos is called entropy, while syntropy is the tendency to organize. That physical...
Sospensione Temporanea Corsi
Per via del corona virus (Covid 19), che in questi giorni sta mettendo a dura prova le popolazioni di tutto il mondo e a fronte delle disposizioni del...
Comprendere la Tensegrità (video)
Dr. Moses Bernard discusses the concept of “bio-tensegrity”, and how the principles apply to the anatomy of the spine. Source: Vimeo Channel: Moses...
Riflessioni sulla Postura
Posture reflects the way we live and inhabit our body. It is related to emotional growth and learning processes we absorb from the environment. It...
La Fascia e il concetto di TENSEGRITÀ
The Fascia  is, by far,  the most widespread structure in the body . It creates  an internal balance of elastic resistance (resilience) through...
Fascia is all around us!
Here is a videopresentation on Fascia made by certified Rolfer Gil Hedley for the Fascia Congress in Berlin on November 2018. You can realize how Fascia...
Seminario Rolfing Movement In Giappone - il report sulla rivista Sotokoto Online
At the end of last year, Mr. Masahiko Kushizaki, a Rolfer who completed the  European training, emailed me that; “Nicola, a Rolf movement faculty...
Rolfing e Danza
Ecco un interessante approfondimento tratto dal sito dell'Associazione Italiana Rolfing® e scritto dalla collega Anna Paola Bacalov sui benefici che...
About the terms  "Structural Integration"
(Emmett Hutchins and Peter Melchior were the first teachers who led a course of Structural Integration)   When Dr. Rolf decided to name her work, it...
A tight person can´t feel the world around
Throughout the whole body are sensory nerves  with receptors which record muscolar tension ,...
How to enhance the personal kinaesthetic and sensorial image
"Kinesthesia, is the awareness of theposition and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors)  located in ...
Rolfing è educarsi al dialogo con il proprio corpo.
The lack of information about the human body during the school years is surprising, considering the fact that it ...
 Benefits of Gyrotonic ®
 Gyrotonic ® expansion system, born in the 80' s, was  elaborated by an hungarian dancer Juliu Horvath. The whole system is designed to...
Un interessante caso studio su  Rolfing e Scoliosi
La scoliosi, è una curvatura anormala della colonna vertebrale che afffligge circa il 3% della popolazione; solo il 20% dei casi è derivante da patologie note...
l'allenamento circolare che fa bene a corpo e mente
l'allenamento "circolare" che fa bene a corpo e mente  "Un allenamento completo, in grado di permettere il raggiungimento di un benessere psico-...
Una vibrazione del corpo, un suono che fa parte di ciascuno di noi. Gyrotonic Expansion System
"Da movimenti circolari si produce una vibrazione del corpo, un suono che fa parte di ciascuno di noi... Il gyrotonic expansion system è un sistema di...
Ringraziamenti Corso Corpo Pieno Corpo Vuoto - Parigi 2019
Un grande grazie per questi 2 bei giorni di stage! Mi e molto piaciuto combinare il Rolfing® la gravitá e 'les arts martiaux'... Era dinamico e...
The two Hands in the hand
First weekend: The inferiror pole: foot to pelvis. Their relationship from an embriological and morphological perspective.
The architecture of the human body in movement
The idea of architecture of the human body in movement has been developed thanks my previous stage experiences as dancer and the encounter with Tai ji and...

Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are our gardeners

W. Shakespeare - Othello