Fascia is all around us!

Here is a videopresentation on Fascia made by certified Rolfer Gil Hedley for the Fascia Congress in Berlin on November 2018

Here is a videopresentation on Fascia made by certified Rolfer Gil Hedley for the Fascia Congress in Berlin on November 2018.

You can realize how Fascia wraps the entire human being. Some local dissections highlight the functional properties of the "organ of form" (quote by I. Rolf) named  also "Interstitium"

The viewing to an impressionable audience is not recommended


He earned his doctorate in theological ethics from the Divinity school of the University of Chicago and also became Rolfer at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO, back in the early ´90s.

 Through hands-on human dissections in the laboratory and lecture presentations, he has.encouraged thousand of fellow "somanauts" to appreciate, explore and embody the wonders og human form.

He has published a number of books , as well as produced The Integral Anatomy series, a set of four feature-length videos documenting the whole body, layer by layer approach through on-camera dissection.



The viewing to an impressionable audience is not recommended



Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are our gardeners

W. Shakespeare - Othello