Rolfing® S.I., dance and Tai ji
The idea of architecture of the human body in movement has been developed thanks my previous stage experiences as dancer and the encounter with Tai ji and somatic disciplines like Shiatzu, yoga, and eventually Rolfing. The possibility of approaching the morphology and biomechanics of our body through embodiments and perception has not been considered in the medical education, sports and theatre worlds.
When studying anatomy, this is never experienced by the interior, but learned through texts, models, corpses. Doctors or therapists apire to an objective and scientific understanding of the structure of a liver, for example, and of its interelations and functions with neighboring organs and structures. In this case in Latin we would say "cognosco" from which in English the verb to know or the term cognition.
The disciplines of movement, such as dance, internal martial arts and yoga, aspire to perceive bodies in their living moment in order to grasp different implications and variables. In this case the wise ancestors would use the term "sapio", the etymological root of sage, have a taste and sap, juice (as a verb meaning to drain the sap from.) "Cognosco" and "sapio" are two complementary aspects in learning about human architecture.
We won´t be looking for a descriptive anatomy, but participating in the cause and meanings of ourselves.
How much weight do we experience? How heavy is a corpse? A disabled patient? A sleeping child? The happy, beloved one?
It is possible to approach concepts and models of cognitive anatomy focusing attention on internal space of the body and to detect the level of perception and inner and outer awareness (interoception and exteroception), quality of the voice, the breath, the volumes, the contact, the heaviness and / or lightness of our stance or movement.
From the first days of our life we learn and understand the surrounding world with our body. If some areas of the environment are little "savored" and known, we do not limit only our own
physical function, but also psychic function.
If the interrelationship, for example, between tbia and fibula, bones placed between the knee and foot, were limited as used as if they were a single bone, we would have a poor relationship with the floor and consequently limitations with perception of space.
For an athlete or a dancer this would have repercussions in the jump, in the race ...and
Isn' t a jump the movement to something I have before me,..... towards the other? Isn' t desire an emotional leap ?
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