....as if the perceived wants, through the connective tissue, to expand and connect to the place and become a circum-stance.

Movement is instrumental for listening to oneself and to those spaces that are ignored or frozen by professional postures, daily habits, traumata that require education..



moment + ove, avverbio di luogo.
Il movimento è la dilatazione nello spazio di un momento...come se l'istante percepito voglia, attraverso il tessuto connettivo, espandersi e connettersi al luogo e diventare circo-stanza.


dal lat. momentum, der. della radice di movere «muovere», stessa radice etimologica di memento= "ricordo", l´impresso è elaborato nella mente e si manifesta nello spazio attraverso il corpo.

Movement is instrumental in listening to oneself and to those spaces that are ignored or frozen by professional postures, daily habits, traumas that require education.

In words the sense of their essence ...



moment + ove, adverb of place. Movement is the expansion in space of a moment ... as if the perceived wants, through the connective tissue, to expand and connect to the place and become a circum-stance


from Lat. momentum, der. of the root of movere "to move", same etymological root of memento = "memory",I remember,a stored input from the environment, is experienced in the mind and manifests itself in space through the body..


Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are our gardeners

W. Shakespeare - Othello